Thank God I’m losing my hair

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If you have read previous stories on this blog you will remember that I buzzed my hair before it started to fall out. When I mentioned to my doctor that I had buzzed preemptively and hadn’t noticed any hair loss after that, she reminded me that I was on a smaller dose of Taxol this time around and it might not fall out. I called that blog entry “Oops!”.

Well I was thrilled to wake up the other morning and see small hairs on my pillow. Most people wouldn’t be happy that their hair was actually falling out, but I didn’t want to be the woman walking around town with the buzz cut explaining that I hadn’t lost my hair from chemo but buzzed it in preparation for the side effect that never came.

One of my friends gave me a “kit” right after my first chemo treatment which involved moistening special dirt (comes in the kit) with water and planting the seeds in the bag. I have been watering it frequently and am happy to report my new hair replacement therapy is almost ready to be transplanted on my head. Let me know what you think…
hair from Lisa

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