De “Port” ation

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Well, this month has been very kind to me.  Jeff and I have found a beautiful home in Palm Coast, Florida where we will take up full time residence sometime in the fall of 2019.  Although I will miss everyone in Connecticut, my plan is  to come back 9 of the 12 months for 1 week to volunteer at Cut Out Cancer and see computer clients the rest of the week.

So you might be wondering what I mean by “deportation”.  Well, the other big news is that I went to Quest Labs and asked if they could try and take blood out of my arm for my annual physical.  I told them that I have had a port in my chest for the past 11 years and I don’t want to take it to Florida with me.  It’s quite limiting in terms of where I can have it maintained (flushed) and it’s rather costly.  I have not had chemo treatments in over 5 years so my sole purpose for leaving it in was to make my monthly blood draws easier for me.

Quest did a fabulous job even under the pressure I put on them for making it happen on the spot.  One poke in the arm and it was done.  I can now see my surgical oncologist and make the appointment for “deportation”.  So excited.  See ya port!

my port


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